Outside General Counsel


Fortifying early stage, small and mid-sized companies.


Are you an early stage, small or mid-sized company without the resources to hire a full-time general counsel, much less an in-house legal team?

We can assist you with corporate governance, reviewing and drafting contracts and implementing measures to help you avoid costly litigation with employees, shareholders, directors, officers and founders in the future.


We fortify your business by helping you resolve disputes, recover funds, and even dissolve your business.

As experienced business litigators and counselors, we know that things sometimes go wrong.  Counterparties refuse to honor the terms of contracts and refuse to pay what they owe.  Funds are misused or embezzled by people who you believed you could trust.  Your co-founders or partners decide to pursue an agenda that is not in the best interest of your business.

We can assist you with enforcing the terms of your contracts in litigation.  We can pursue bad actors who misuse or embezzle corporate funds to recover those funds.  We litigate matters to judgment if it becomes necessary to do so, which provides you with a wide array of rights as a judgment creditor to enforce that judgment.

We know that disputes among owners of a closely held business can be extremely contentious.  We provide guidance to help you resolve those disputes as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Ultimately, there are some disputes that cannot be resolved.  We can help you wind up and dissolve your business if that becomes necessary.

Contact us.

Contact us and let us know about the specific needs of your business so we can learn more about how our commercial litigation services can work for you.


Antitrust Litigation


Outside General Counsel